Imposter Syndrome Coping Strategies: Overcoming Self-Doubt

A mental model providing approaches for dealing with imposter syndrome, a psychological pattern where individuals doubt their accomplishments and fear being exposed as a 'fraud'.
Imposter syndrome often affects high performers who fail to acknowledge their successes and constantly fear being 'found out'. A mental model for coping with it might involve four steps: Recognize the signs of imposter syndrome (such as excessive self-criticism), reframe your thoughts (question your own negative beliefs), remember your achievements (create a 'brag file'), and reach out to others (build supportive relationships). For instance, an executive might significantly contribute to their company's advancement but still feel undeserving of their position. Through this model, they can gradually change their mindset and gain confidence.
The only way to stop feeling like an imposter is to stop thinking like an imposter - Valerie Young

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