The Confidence-Competence Loop

The Confidence-Competence Loop is a theory that suggests a direct positive relationship between confidence and competence in skills acquisition and personal growth.
The Confidence-Competence Loop is a psychological principle which states that as individuals become more competent or proficient in a skill, their confidence in their abilities in that area increases. This in turn fuels further improvements in competence. This symbiotic relationship forms a loop, continually reinforcing each element and leading to growth and skill development. For example, if a person wants to improve their public speaking, they start by learning speaking skills, which boosts their confidence. Their newfound confidence encourages further improvement in their skills, creating a perpetuating loop. The Confidence-Competence Loop is of particular interest in the fields of education, personal development, and sports coaching.
The more you believe in your own ability to succeed, the more likely you are to do so - Norman Vincent Peale

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